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Sunday, December 31, 2006

Disturbed Covers Genesis

Did you know this? I didn't until this week. Good old "Land of Confusion" brought to the levels of odd vocal growlings that Disturbed is known for. I wonder if they'll still use puppets in their video for it? (If you don't know what I'm talking about, search "Land of Confusion" on YouTube).

With the world in a tizzy over that one, I've been in family overload from the holidays. I love them dearly, but after a while I just wanted to go to sleep. I've also been working this week in a fairly empty office and getting out early left and right. I wore jeans all week and was sick as a dog. See? I needed that sleep that I kept demanding. Stupid family.

I got a lot of nice stuff though and enjoyed seeing people open things I got them that they actually needed and appreciate them. I also went to hell on earth (south shore plaza) and bought Hilary Duff's With Love fragrance. I even got it boy approved before making such a purchase. In other words...Smell me.

I've come to the realization that sometimes it is easier to break up a friendship than start one. There are times when you can fade away and slowly come to a mutual understanding that a relationship (at any level) is over. Other times it's like pulling teeth. The worst is when it was quick and started with a bang. Those are generally the worst to begin with and the most awful endings. It's really the "crash and burn" theory (or fireworks). The better things are from the beginning, sometimes the more horrid the ending. Sometimes it's great and all, but how do you end something that never really had much time to become something? How do you do this when this person/these people are more or less unavoidable? A constantly terrible situation.

Well, if there's anything I hate more than Christmas, it's New Year's. I bought a really pretty dress that will probably end up hanging in my closet until next year or whenever I have a random chance to wear such a snazzy thing. I didn't buy the dress for New Year's, I bought it because it was only $20 and was originally $70, but still. I never do anything for this holiday and I have a feeling this year will be no different. It's usually just an excuse for a good cry. I will probably wake up at 6am though to wish my sister a "Happy New Year" in New Zealand. She gets to 2007 before me. Cheater.

I'm going back to listening to my friend WFNX (you can listen live from wherever and I suggest you do) and watching FX's mini marathon of "It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia" (really one of the best shows ever. buy them on iTunes).

Happy New Year and Eat Your Veggies.

Saturday, December 23, 2006

Happy Almost XMas

Hey folks-

As some of you may or may not have noticed, I have been a bit MIA this month. I work in retail management, so tis the season of 50-60 hour work weeks. Hence, by the time I get home, I'm not up for doing much of anything. But now I'm officially done until the day after Christmas. Yay!!! I also was sick on top of things which made me want to do pretty much nothing in the spare time that I had. But.. enough with the excuses.

I'm a little dissapointed to say that I really havent been in the Christmas spirit this year. Ususally I"m the first one to break out the Christmas music, put up the lights, and hang the misteltoe, but it just seems different this year. I mean, sure, I still DID all those things, but I really dont feel like Christmas Eve is tomorrow. I guess it could be the weather. Maybe the fact that there really hasnt been any snow. Or that it has been almost 50 degrees this week. So in a last ditch effort, I am going on Christmas movie overload in the next day and a half.
I have The Santa Clause, The Santa Clause 2, Charlie Brown 1 and 2, Bad Santa and a Garfield Xmas all lined up. Maybe that will help. What are all of your favorite Christmas movies? What do you do to get in the spirit? I went home to my parents house today, and my aunt and uncle are in town which is always nice. And my Mom put up a HUGE tree and the decorations looks great.

So heres to hoping I find some Christmas spirit. Merry Christmas everyone. Or Happy _____________ (insert the holiday you celebrate here.)



Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Clanging Chimes of Doom

Sorry. I know I usually update something on the weekends and I failed. I had important stuff happening in my actual life that needed to be taken care of.

First things first, I love babies (and kids). My good friend and her husband just had their first little munchkin on Sunday and I went to visit last night. Not only did my friend look awesome after just having a baby, but she and her husband merged together their 'super cute' genes to create the most adorable baby girl ever. Events like these make me all warm and fuzzy.

Yul won Survivor. My boy Ozzy came is second. No one cared (or still cares) about Becky. I'm fine with that. If you google Ozzy's name, you can find a little treasure of nakedness. This is a fine consolation prize for us fans.

My hot ex-drug addict models won Amazing Race. I really get far too tense while watching this crap.

Chia Pet makes "Cat Grass" now?! I have no idea what the point of that is. I also don't see the point of cats in general, so that settles that. The Cat Grass is also conveniently sold in a Sylvester (of Tweety Bird chasing fame) planter. So cl-cl-cl-clever!

I obviously have nothing to say. This is honestly a post just to show a new date or new anything for that matter.

I've honestly had the most roller coaster month or so. I think my brain is on vacation for a while. I apologize for this. I don't think anyone still checks in here anyway, so I'm probably in the clear.

with midnight kisses under mistletoe,

Sunday, December 10, 2006

Happy Belated Pearl Harbor Day

Can you believe this isn't a more notable holiday? I really should've only had a four day work week. America has no respect for its history. (Or I just wanted another paid day off)

Well, Christmas is a short 2 weeks from tomorrow (I do get that day off!). I have purchased one present. It was really only because my little sister is in New Zealand and in order to get her DVD set of "Felicity: Season Two" to her on time, it needed to be sent. I'm still not convinced it'll be there for her on Christmas, but close enough.

I've realized I don't want or need anything for Christmas. This is difficult for my family to swallow. I told them to give me money; my family hates giving money as a Christmas gift. I found a few books and am driving up to New Hampshire (cause it's tax free) to go shopping with my mom and dad (who are convinced they'll find something I need) on Saturday. This should be interesting, awful and possibly productive all at the same time.

There is nothing more I hate than going to a mall (it's definitely in the Top 5 things I hate list). I avoid shopping at all costs during the year, but without fail, I'll have to go at Christmastime. This is hell on earth in its purest form. I vowed to do all my shopping online this year, but obviously I'm a slacker and that's not going to happen (unless I pay out the wahzoo for shipping--what IS handling anyways?!). So, mall it is. I will be the cranky bitch rolling my eyes at your cell phone conversations and indecisiveness at the register. Say hi.

I'm really enjoying Diet Pepsi Jazz in the Strawberries and Creme flavor. It's terribly delicious. I've also been cooking again. I made Pumpkin Ale chicken with apple stuffing Friday for dinner and Cinnamon Egg Nog French Toast for Saturday's breakfast. I've also become reunited with Cap'n Crunch Berries. It seems they don't grate the roof of your mouth as much anymore. This is a great advancement in the technology of cereal making.

If you're not up to anything tonight, my tip for you is to head over to the Abbey Lounge in Somerville, MA and check out my dear pals in Okay Thursday. They will jangle your jingles and then some. I hope to see you there.

Remember to give back too. If there is someone you don't know too well, but need to get a gift for, donate money to a charity in their name and make up a little card informing them of this. It's a great way to spread some cheer during the holidays. :)


Monday, December 04, 2006

Eeek! 3 weeks til XMas

Hi all-

So is anyone else freaking out at the fact that it's only 3 weeks until Christmas?
I was at work today and had sort of a "light bulb" moment about this...yikes. I still have lots of shopping to do. I feel like November absolutely FLEW by. It seems like just yesterday it was Halloween.

I am very excited to decorate my apartment this week. I am definately getting into the holiday mood. I had 2 holiday parties this past weekend, and another one coming up this weekend.

So for those of you who dont know, I have 2 roomates. Last week, one of my roomates and I were having a conversation and somehow we got on the topic of Christmas cards and if it would be weird if we sent one out. So... this past weekend, my 2 roomates and I went to the mall and took a picture with Santa. We had the pink Victoria's Secret hats and all. Now the cards are all ordered and we're just waiting for them to arrive. They are so frickin cute. I cant wait to start sending them out! I am a dork. I know...

Maybe I'll post some pictures of the decorations when I'm all done.

Tip for today: It was snowing when I woke up this morning. Make sure you have a snow brush in your car. Nothing is worse then having to clean your car off with mittens.

Thats all for now.


Saturday, December 02, 2006

Do You Have A New Fan Too?

The new song (Phantom Limbs) by The Shins is amazing. Listen to it.

Awesome turn out last night for the first of the Sleep Tight Xmas Night shows. Despite the rain and the 70 degree weather on Dec. 1, it was a very fun night and raised a lot of money for the charities listed on the site. Go check out the upcoming shows that Mike has put together. Buy that guy a drink when you see him too.

Also, (shameless plugging in the beginning is better than the sneak attack at the end) my dear friend from NH is playing the Bon Savants CD Release Show tonight at Great Scott. I would check this show out if I were you.

I was going to continue on my list of things to discuss, but am quite frankly too tired. I need to do laundry and stuff. Clean clothes are pretty cool.

I will say that I took my own advice yesterday and it paid off big time. Doing something brave and out of character can really work out in your favor, so I stand by that statement. I guess fear really is the enemy.

Enjoy the rest of your weekend kids.

Tip: Disregard the old lesson. Go ahead, talk to strangers.
