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Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Home Movies are Pricless

Hey folks. Happy New Year!

I have had the pleasure of seeing Sophie twice this week. Once at TT the Bears where the lovely Kay Hanley was playing and the other at Hot Stove Cool Music this past Sunday.

So the other day on ebay I tried to buy an old video tape convertor. The kind where you put the Video 8 tapes into and then could play it in your VCR. I thought I had it all set, but of course once it arrived.. no such luck. I did however manage to dig up the old video camera and some tapes. And let me tell you....I was a special child. I still have a bunch of tapes to go, but tonight I found one from an old family vacation to Williamsburg in 1995. The shots are absolutely priceless. I have these oversized jean shorts on.. pulled up uber high..HUGE sunglasses (but not the hip kind, a purple shirt tied in the middle with a MASSIVE scrunchie, and a neon fanny pack. Oh.. and did I mention my hair was tied in pigtails with 2 scrunchies that had bows on them. If I knew how to take a still shot of the video I would post it, but alas I dont know how.

How was everyone's new years? Any good resolutions for 2007?

Todays tip is a little random..but heartfelt none the less:

Take the time to send someone a thank you card. Even if its for something mundane.. or just to let them know that you appreciate their friendship. Such a small gesture can seems silly, but means more then you know to the receipient.




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