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Monday, November 20, 2006

Oh What A Night..

Hey folks- I had a bit of an entertaining weekend, so I thought I'd share the story of my Friday night with you.

I had to work until after 10:00 on Friday, and I was sort of tired when I left work, but I called my roomate. We had a debate about whether or not to go out or not...we both seemed to feel like we could go out for A drink...or be content staying home watching a movie. So, we ultimately decided to go out to our favorite bar in Fanuiel for A drink..

So we go to this bar all the time, the bartenders know us there, and I like it, cuz it has a bar area to chill, but a low key DJ on the weekends if you feel like dancing. So we go and each get a rum and coke, and some free shots follow. We get our 1 Magners a piece and are just relaxing at the bar. Finally around 130 when more shots were flowing, I really couldnt take another one. So, my roomate took my shot for me, and I took her car keys. The bartender kept trying to see if I wanted another Magners, but I told him I had to drive home, so I would pass. We start chatting and turns out he lives very close to us, so we offer him a ride home. Jokingly he goes, "Only if you want to stay an hour and a half past close.." Well.. next thing you know.. the bar is closed and we are still there. 3:00... we are still there.... 4:00... we are still there.... 5:00.. we are still there. We finally left around 5:15. And we kept our word and gave the bartender a ride home. We got in around 530, at which point I proceeded to make eggs sunny side up and we watched The Price Is Right on Tivo.. I think we passed out around 6 AM.

Oh what a night. My roomate is the best. She got up and was at work by 830 AM the next day. I dont know how she does it. I slept until after noon that day.

Tip of the Day: Good friends make all the difference.Make sure you let your friends know how much you love and adore them :)

After a long day at work, its time for me to curl up with a movie.




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