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Thursday, November 23, 2006

Happy Thanksgiving!

Mmmmm...Pumpkin Ale. Awesome.

This is post is a bit of a milestone for "Take It From Us"; this is our 50th post.

I thought I'd take the time to thank everyone that has left us comments, told us stories, asked us questions and/or told us this is stupid. We enjoy posting from time to time and hope to continue doing so. Maybe people will actually read this someday.

Hopefully you all had a great time with whoever you spent this holiday with. As always, my family made the annual "Death List" (who will die by this time next year) and our traditional "let's talk about everyone now that they're gone" wrap up. My family is brutal.

For whatever reason, "Growing Pains" is on. This reminds me of a story...

I was waiting for my train one morning this week and flipped on my iPod to hear "Show me that smile again..". Those are sweet sweet words set to melody pumping into my ears on a chilly November morning and it forced the biggest grin on my face to appear. I can't even begin to tell you. It also made me giggle a bit and look a little insane (I'm sure). So many people try to stand there and look "too cool" with their headphones in, meanwhile, I'm standing there jamming out to TV theme songs. To people I know, this is not surprising. I find it funny to think that I'm the only one who realizes how hysterical it is when these songs come up on my shuffle.

I have a question (for anyone who actually reads this...you...and...you?)

Is there a way to spark up a conversation with someone while waiting for the train that isn't superficial and lame? I can't think of one. Help me out. Maybe I'll use the advice...maybe I won't (bet on the latter).

Tip: Make sure your leftovers are heated thoroughly before stepping away from the microwave. It's a bitch trying to get the chance again (at least in my family) after you sit down (if your seat hasn't been stolen) and realize that your mashed potaters are only surface hot and center cold.

Tip #2: Don't mind me during the next few months. I hate this time of year. It's like one big ball of "This sucks/I'm going to cry" around every corner.



Blogger Jenn said...

As for your question, I think the short answer is "no". Conversation starters are supposed to be superficial, because you don't know anything about the person. And some people just don't want to be talked to. I think the best way to start out is to simply make eye contact and a smile. If they smile back (genuinely), go ahead and ask them about the weather, whether the train is late, etc. (I also find that posing as a tourist helps, too.. People like to help other people out, usually).

10:19 AM  
Blogger Sophie and Miranda said...


I'm one of those people that would rather not be talked to. I put on my iPod, open my book and enter my "train world". If someone talked to me (besides him) it would potentially ruin my morning. ha

This is definitely one of those "let nature run its course" deals. Fo sho.

6:16 PM  

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