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Sunday, April 01, 2007

This Hasn't Happened For The Longest Time

And I'm sorry.

Per usual, I'll plug some stuff going on. My dear friends in Okay Thursday and Texas Governor (I'm too lazy to link. Go search MySpace. You'll find them.) are playing with the interesting dude of Aqueduct. This will go down at the Middle East Upstairs in Cambridge. You should go. It will sell out. If it doesn't, I'd be surprised. I'll be there. Promise.

On to other news, I really don't have much. I've officially moved into my new apt. I love my roommates. Sadly, one of them is moving due to a job they got, but we're pretty close to closing the deal on a new dude. Life is good. We have what we call "lazy, yet productive weekends". Best ritual ever.

We're having a few people over to watch the season opener tomorrow. This should be fun. I'm more than excited for the Red Sox to be back. I'm obviously missing a certain team member, but you watch out when Oakland comes to town.

I'm also going to be part of a big "Girls' Night Out" on Tuesday. What could be such a big deal, you ask? Taylor. Hicks. The Soul Patrol is coming through and I can't wait.

I guess I really don't have much else to add. I guess maybe a tip?

Always keep your judgement open. Don't be afraid to dislike someone and don't be afraid to change your mind to liking someone if you originally don't.


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See? You've still got faithful readers checking in. :)

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