Hey kids!
So now that I'm all moved and more or less settled in to my new digs in the KBP (Kennebunkport for those who are not down with the KBP), I'm on the job hunt and also trying to get to know my roommates.
I didn't know them before I moved in other than a couple of brief meetings here and there. There is myself (23), "Samantha" (20) and "Chandler" (18) and so far it's been okay. The fact that I can fall asleep listening to the waves crashing and wake up and have the ocean in my window view is clearly awesome, so I am not going to complain much about being the old maid (or anything else for that matter).
But Sophie, you're thinking, isn't this supposed to be about dating? Well, I'm sure you've noticed that this has become more of a 'life lesson' blog on the side. I will tie it all in for you now, trust me.
So, my roommate "Samantha" has a boyfriend. Good for her. Here's the problem:
We moved in Tuesday and he was here all day. He seems like a nice enough guy (very geeky and such, but nice), but I can clearly see that either he or the relationship is going to be annoying. I can't figure out who is the crazy one yet, or if it's both of them (could very well be), but yesterday was a perfect example of the insanity.
So he was here all day Tuesday, and yesterday (Wed.) "Samantha" wakes up and goes to class. When she got home, she started complaining about how she was calling 'the boy' and he wasn't answering. There was also the issue that he was going to be mad at her because she was supposed to be talking online together at 12:30 or something. Is this what relationships are coming to? You make dates to talk to each other online?! Nuts!
I was fine with this. I got to chill out downstairs with my Kraft Mac and Cheese (cause I had the blues).
To continue in the problem that I confronted her about already, last night (yet again), her cell phone starts ringing at 11pm. I was awake, but "Chandler" was trying to sleep. Tuesday night I believe she said it was her mom (though it rang a few times--hello vibrate/silent/off!!), but tonight was clearly 'the boy'. She started talking loud enough for everyone to hear her. By this time I was ready to go to bed, and she just kept talking and talking and talking. Apparently her night of babysitting was
that interesting. Who knew? Also, just to really push it over the edge, about 15mins after she
finally hung up, the *ding dong* noise alerted us all that she had sent a text message.
What gives with this stuff? They've been dating for a while, so it's not as if this is a new relationship and they are still in that phase. Is it their age? I just can't figure out what the deal is with talking to someone that much about day-to-day occurances. I mean, if aliens were flying around outside and after you called to tell them about it a big truck drove through your house and so on, I can see multiple lengthy phone calls. I'll even take that boredom is a factor, but there's a limit.
Hopefully this will die down. Maybe they'll break up? Who knows... I just want some peace and quiet when I'm trying to sleep.
So a tip:
Talking online is not a date. In fact, due to the lack of emotion that is clearly sent through conversations in such a medium, it could get you in trouble. Use it sparingly.