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Friday, September 29, 2006

15 Year Olds Aren't Legal

Hello friends.

I received a mildly alarming instant message from a friend I went to college with. She gave me a name of someone and asked if we had any classes with him. I told her that we did and how if she remembered, I had actually gone out on a psuedo date with him (he thought it was a date, I did not). She then seemed even more amused and afraid.

She sent me a link to a newspaper article. It had this kid's mugshot on the right; he looked terrible. I then read the headline. I was shocked. I read the article to be sure what had happened.

He had been arrested for having sex with a 15 year old girl and supplying her with pot and vodka.

This really creeped me out. How is one supposed to react to this? I'm just glad that we didn't go out again (as he wanted to).

Don't get me wrong, the kid took a semester off and came back totally screwed up, but still, that is a huge leap from the kid I met and hung out with once.

Today's tip:

Don't sleep with minors.


Wednesday, September 27, 2006

We Haven't Seen You in a Few...How've You Been?

So the forces have been reunited and Miranda and I are posting this together in her new apt. Yay us!

We decided to have a more mellow evening than some of our past posts have played out; we went to dinner at the Sunset Grill & Tap.

Before we even start, we left this blog's web address on our comment card for our superstar waiter, Doug. We hope that you've decided to visit this little piece of the world (wide web) and that you know that you will always have a place in our hearts.

We had to deal with a little confusion on whether or not we were supposed to be seated at table 5 or not. Luckily, our final destination was not table 5, as we may not have been showered with the love of Doug. Seriously, words cannot describe his kindness and endless entertainment.

I was happy because I finally found Sam Adams Cherry Wheat again and Miranda was happy about ordering the Sour Cream French Fries for an appetizer. Things seemed to be going along swimmingly.

Miranda decided on the BBQ Pulled Pork Quesadillas and I got what is called "Besto Pesto", which was just a fancy way of saying "chicken sandwich with pesto and curly fries". Both meals were awesome. Had they not been so filling, I would've sprung for the Caramel Flan I spotted on the dessert menu, but we were far too stuffed.

All in all the evening was a blast and though we tried to get a picture of our beloved waiter, Doug, we failed. We will surely regret this for the rest of our lives. I tried to make up for the posed shot by arguing with Miranda that it may be just as awesome to get a candid shot with my camera phone; Miranda set the record straight that that was just creepy.

(We're sorry, Doug. That just doesn't do your awesomeness justice)

Thank you Sunset, for making our few hours out on the town awesome.

Tip time! (it's like tool time, but we don't work for tim and al)

If you have a crush on someone, don't try to touch their feet. You'll lose any chance you may have never had in the first place, forever....

Double tip:

Don't pick your nose while sitting in your car at a red light. We WILL see you digging for gold in the dark tunnels of your nostrils. It's gross (but mildly entertaining).

Sophie & Miranda

Sunday, September 24, 2006

It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia

I don't know if any of you watch this show, but you should. It's on FX. It'll be going into it's third season soon, and they show reruns a lot. You can download a free episode of it on Burger King's MySpace. I highly suggest you do so. The episode that is/was available was "The Gang Gets Racist". It's hysterical.

I would also like to point out that John Mayer Loves the Doodlebops! I find this amazing and awesome. This further proves my point in him being a perfect man.

Miranda and I went out to see Our Super Hot Sexy Gentlemen Friends at TT's last week, so we took a new picture. It was pouring out, so excuse the fact that we're all wet.

(That is my new favorite jacket/sweatshirt thing. I love it a lot. Excuse me if I wear it forever.)

I sadly have no exciting news to report in the world of dating. I've moved three times in less than a month, am currently looking for a job, have spent more time with people 3 and under than adults and have watched far too much TV.

I enjoyed the season premiere of The Office and How I Met Your Mother. I was disappointed by the new show, The Class. It is by the same people who did Friends and Mad About You (one of my favorite shows ever), so I had high hopes. I really did get myself hooked on the new shows Smith and Kidnapped last night though. Serious reasons to stay in a little longer before going out on a Saturday night.

The Amazing Race is back and it has a chick with one leg. This is the funniest thing I've ever seen. Hate me all you want, but she's really obnoxious and deserves to be made fun of. There are also cute model boys who are recovering drug addicts (awesome.), barbie dolls, couples yelling at each other, a father/daughter team in which the daughter is gay and the father is very vocal about his disappointment in this fact and "the bumpkins", who have a few teeth between them, but are too sweet to be on this show. It's a great watch.

Moving on to Survivor: Cook Islands. This got a lot of press over the fact that the teams are divided by race. Well, that is nothing compared to what happened during the tribal counsel this week. I think that this video sums it all up well.

I guess that means I have a tip:

When someone says they feel bad for you and uses the word "WE" instead of "I", there is not a real love connection going on. Love at first sight could be possible, who am I to bash it, but there is a clear line as to what love is and what love is most definitely not. If you're confused, watch the above video again. That is not love. So when dealing with a new interest, be sure the feelings are truly mutual before announcing your true love to the world.

Billy, that means you.

PS: He'll be on Letterman on Monday (9/25/06). I'm sure this will be brought up. It could be awesome.


Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Hey there everyone.

As we've gotten back in to fall, we have been a little lax in our posts, but have no fear, we're still here. I'm actually on my way out to meet Sophie to see our friends Scamper at their first show in a while at TT the Bears. Most of you already know them, but check them out if you dont. http://www.scamper.net

Have a good night and I'll post some pics of tonight when I get back.



Tip of the Day: Don't burn your bridges. I went to school with a kid who had a crush on me. He was very odd. We hung out, but he basically knew I wasnt interested in dating him. Then I was out the other night and got a text message from a kid who said he knew my friend and asking me to meet him at a bar. I was really pissed that this guy had been giving my number out. So I called my friend and asked him about it. Of course, he denied it. So I let it go, figured I wouldnt make an issue of it. I just would civially stop hanging out with him, take the high road. Except he made a huge deal of it and wanted the the number of the kid who sent me the message. Since he was being mean, I obviously was not going to give it to him. Then he left be this really insulting message and we had a conversation that went like this:

ME:(9:20:33 PM): when did you become such a jerk?
HIM:(9:20:42 PM): i talk to you like every 2 months
HIM (9:20:50 PM): get with the program, we are barely friends lol
ME: 9:20:57 PM): i dont have time to have this argument right now
HIM (9:21:02 PM): i want no argument
ME (9:21:05 PM): when i have a few spare minutes i will find it and let you know
HIM(9:21:07 PM): i want the number
HIM(9:21:20 PM): nah u know what don't even bother then
HIM(9:21:28 PM): that means we would have to speak again
HIM(9:21:50 PM): have a good time wherever you are goin
ME (9:22:49 PM): i dont know when you did a complete 180, guess i missed that-I thought we were friends
ME(9:22:51 PM): good night
HIM (9:22:59 PM): haha i haven't
HIM(9:23:06 PM): i'm the same kid
HIM(9:23:15 PM): i just couldn't care less about people i talk to once a season
HIM (9:23:19 PM): what's the difference you know?
HIM (9:24:28 PM): u think i was different when we talked about 2 months ago?
HIM (9:24:31 PM): that's about all u have to go on

So... now I obviously think he's a real jerk and anything that could have been repaired in our friendship will never be. Don't burn your bridges. Its a small world, you never know when people come and go in your life.

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Autumn Goodbye

Sorry for the fact that we've been slacking. Life has been busy and absurd.

I would like to take a moment to announce that after the ridiculous weekend that I had in which I returned to my new place to find my roommate bought a cat without telling anyone, and I'm petrified beyond all belief of the little bastards, the battle began. I told her that it was not in the agreement I signed and that she never mentioned getting a cat. She decided that the cat was more important than having someone help with the rent every month. Now it's getting legal and I'm probably going to have to sue to get most of my money back. On top of that, I had to move back to my parents' place and even more important...

I'm moving back to MA. (hopefully by the end of Sept)

I've been super stressed with the whole chaos of the last few days that I've been having trouble breathing and chest pains, so I apologize that I have nothing new or exciting to report of any relevance.

I will say...

-I'm really happy that Mike "Boogie" Malin won Big Brother: All Stars. Erika was a ho. Chill Town forever!

-I'm happy that Lukas won the lead spot for Supernova (or whatever they'll be called due to the whole lawsuit/copyrighted name issue). I just didn't want Dilana.

-I'm REALLY happy that Ryan Star got the encore performance. He was my favorite. He is amazing.

-I'm pretty sure that John Mayer is the perfect man. I have quite a ridiculous list of "dream guys that I'll never meet but love to lust over" going on right now, but I'm pretty sure John Mayer is at the top. "John Mayer Has A TV Show" is the most underrated piece of television in the last 3-5yrs. I'm also adding Justin Timberlake to perfect man status. Don't hate me, but I saw n*sync two summers in a row, and never liked the guy until I saw his awesomeness in person. After just seeing him perform "SexyBack" on MTV's Video Music Awards, I was reminded of how great he really is.

Yup, my life has become not much other than watching reality TV. The stress has gotten to me. My 1+ hour long walks on the beach are no longer. Life has been crumbling a bit, but I'm building back up.

Yay me.

I don't have a tip. Sorry.

Thursday, September 07, 2006

All You Do To Me Is Talk Talk

Hey kids!

So now that I'm all moved and more or less settled in to my new digs in the KBP (Kennebunkport for those who are not down with the KBP), I'm on the job hunt and also trying to get to know my roommates.

I didn't know them before I moved in other than a couple of brief meetings here and there. There is myself (23), "Samantha" (20) and "Chandler" (18) and so far it's been okay. The fact that I can fall asleep listening to the waves crashing and wake up and have the ocean in my window view is clearly awesome, so I am not going to complain much about being the old maid (or anything else for that matter).

But Sophie, you're thinking, isn't this supposed to be about dating? Well, I'm sure you've noticed that this has become more of a 'life lesson' blog on the side. I will tie it all in for you now, trust me.

So, my roommate "Samantha" has a boyfriend. Good for her. Here's the problem:

We moved in Tuesday and he was here all day. He seems like a nice enough guy (very geeky and such, but nice), but I can clearly see that either he or the relationship is going to be annoying. I can't figure out who is the crazy one yet, or if it's both of them (could very well be), but yesterday was a perfect example of the insanity.

So he was here all day Tuesday, and yesterday (Wed.) "Samantha" wakes up and goes to class. When she got home, she started complaining about how she was calling 'the boy' and he wasn't answering. There was also the issue that he was going to be mad at her because she was supposed to be talking online together at 12:30 or something. Is this what relationships are coming to? You make dates to talk to each other online?! Nuts!

I was fine with this. I got to chill out downstairs with my Kraft Mac and Cheese (cause I had the blues).

To continue in the problem that I confronted her about already, last night (yet again), her cell phone starts ringing at 11pm. I was awake, but "Chandler" was trying to sleep. Tuesday night I believe she said it was her mom (though it rang a few times--hello vibrate/silent/off!!), but tonight was clearly 'the boy'. She started talking loud enough for everyone to hear her. By this time I was ready to go to bed, and she just kept talking and talking and talking. Apparently her night of babysitting was that interesting. Who knew? Also, just to really push it over the edge, about 15mins after she finally hung up, the *ding dong* noise alerted us all that she had sent a text message.

What gives with this stuff? They've been dating for a while, so it's not as if this is a new relationship and they are still in that phase. Is it their age? I just can't figure out what the deal is with talking to someone that much about day-to-day occurances. I mean, if aliens were flying around outside and after you called to tell them about it a big truck drove through your house and so on, I can see multiple lengthy phone calls. I'll even take that boredom is a factor, but there's a limit.

Hopefully this will die down. Maybe they'll break up? Who knows... I just want some peace and quiet when I'm trying to sleep.

So a tip:

Talking online is not a date. In fact, due to the lack of emotion that is clearly sent through conversations in such a medium, it could get you in trouble. Use it sparingly.


Monday, September 04, 2006

1 800 Sophie and Miranda

So its official. I think we need a 24 hour hotline. haha. So I had a really bizzare day today and needed some serious advice in a pinch. So what did I do? Called Sophie of course. Luckily, I got her.

So let me explain. I dated this boy "Chris" back in March. We casually dated for maybe 2 or 3 months. He was in finishing up in law school, I was finishing up in college and we were both working full time once school was out. We both just sort of mutally stopped agreeing to see each other. We blew each other off the last time we were supposed to go out, and then we eventually had a really awkward conversation over AIM about how we were just at different places in our life and how we wished each other the best. Fine. Oh. And he made sure to add that it was ok if I called him drunk and wanted to hook up. Yeah. I didnt know about that one either.

So we really hadnt spoken since. This was probably mid June. Then out of the blue I got an IM from him today. It started out casually but I knew something was up. I have no patience for these things. I knew something was up. Well, eventually he laid it out:

Chris's AIM Name: so I was thinking recently that maybe we didn't hanging out a good shot, and was wondering if maybe you'd wanna get dinner some time soon and see if we get to know each other a little better, and if you don't think that's a good idea don't sweat it, I know this is totally random , I just feel like I was super busy with work and so forth

Hence I called Sophie cuz I didnt know what to say. I ultimately ended up telling him that I was sort of seeing someone. This was the response:

Chris's AIM Name: ok cool, good for you! didn't mean to make things too awkward, just figured we had a nice time, wasn't any big problem, might as well give it a shot if we're both single, but no worries

This leads me to today's tip: Know when to cut your losses. When we stopped dating we were both over and done with it. It was not because it was too busy for work. It was because we were not compatible. Going out to dinner again will not change this. He could have saved face a lot by avoiding this conversation all together.

Hope everyone had a great labor day.

