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Monday, September 04, 2006

1 800 Sophie and Miranda

So its official. I think we need a 24 hour hotline. haha. So I had a really bizzare day today and needed some serious advice in a pinch. So what did I do? Called Sophie of course. Luckily, I got her.

So let me explain. I dated this boy "Chris" back in March. We casually dated for maybe 2 or 3 months. He was in finishing up in law school, I was finishing up in college and we were both working full time once school was out. We both just sort of mutally stopped agreeing to see each other. We blew each other off the last time we were supposed to go out, and then we eventually had a really awkward conversation over AIM about how we were just at different places in our life and how we wished each other the best. Fine. Oh. And he made sure to add that it was ok if I called him drunk and wanted to hook up. Yeah. I didnt know about that one either.

So we really hadnt spoken since. This was probably mid June. Then out of the blue I got an IM from him today. It started out casually but I knew something was up. I have no patience for these things. I knew something was up. Well, eventually he laid it out:

Chris's AIM Name: so I was thinking recently that maybe we didn't hanging out a good shot, and was wondering if maybe you'd wanna get dinner some time soon and see if we get to know each other a little better, and if you don't think that's a good idea don't sweat it, I know this is totally random , I just feel like I was super busy with work and so forth

Hence I called Sophie cuz I didnt know what to say. I ultimately ended up telling him that I was sort of seeing someone. This was the response:

Chris's AIM Name: ok cool, good for you! didn't mean to make things too awkward, just figured we had a nice time, wasn't any big problem, might as well give it a shot if we're both single, but no worries

This leads me to today's tip: Know when to cut your losses. When we stopped dating we were both over and done with it. It was not because it was too busy for work. It was because we were not compatible. Going out to dinner again will not change this. He could have saved face a lot by avoiding this conversation all together.

Hope everyone had a great labor day.




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