Well hello world.
(Regarding the title of this entry: I love the band Texas. Why weren't they super huge?)
I need to explain a bit about my involvement with Flavor of Love 2. I applied, was emailed by the producers, given a list of questions to answer, was approached with a
second list of questions that were to be answered on video tape and at that point was talked out of it. After watching the season premiere Sunday night on VH1, though some would say it was a good decision to back down, I thought about how it could've been ME pooping on the floor. I can only imagine...
Also, before getting to today's babbling, I would just like to state again how much we appreciate your feedback. Honestly, it is what forces us (well, me at least) to keep coming up with things to post. Yes, that means it's all because of you.
Today and tomorrow I ended up having off from work and today was spent largely cleaning up my room and packing for my impending move in a few weeks. As excited as I am about moving, I
hate packing. I've had to move a lot in my life and it is by far the worst thing about the experience. Well, unpacking isn't so fun either, but it's dealable.
While deciding what things are worthy of being saved and what can be chucked in the trash, I found myself reading a lot of little notes I had written to myself. Why I do this, I don't know, but I find myself being brought back to a time and place and especially an emotion. I then began to ponder the following:
Why is it so difficult for people to express true feelings? I'm sure we are all hypocrites by ever thinking/asking this question, but think about how good it makes you feel when someone compliments/thanks/appreciates you. It's nice, isn't it? There is the whole fear of rejection and sometimes on the other side there is the fear of hurting someone else's feelings by rejecting, but in the end it's something special to really be able to tell someone what they are to you.
Think of the ease it would bring to the dating scene if people could freely say things like "hey, i really like you"/"yeah, me too!" or "you know, you're really just not for me"/"oh well, at least we tried!"? I'm not talking about immediately announcing that you're in love or harshly hurting someone with words, but just the simplicity of saying something and meaning it. People are too sensitive though, and it's only getting worse. It would be nice though if we could all handle it and just suck it up and deal.
Along the same lines, how difficult is it to say you're going to do something and just do it?
I bring you, Tip #14:
If you say you're going to call,
just call! If you don't plan on calling,
say so! Now don't get me wrong, I'm not going to sit here and tell people to be jerks about it. Basically, just follow through with what you say you're going to do. It's really not that difficult. If you're not going to be able to do something, just tell the person. Maybe you're busy, maybe you're not interested, maybe you forgot. If you can't complete the task at hand right away, follow up with us at some point. It's just common courtesy and not doing so makes you a bit of a coward.