Posts 2 Days in a row.. shocking I know.
So we received this comment on Sophie's Post:
Brad said... mention's a question for you. this blog seems, to some extent, to be dedicated to the search for love and the various pitfalls associated with it. with that in mind, is marriage your ultimate goal? is that something you aspire to? or is it more like "if i find the right person, it COULD be good"? just curious...
10:33 PM
I thought it warranted more than just a comment response.
I really like that question. And I too am going to respond to it personally.
Is marraige my ultimate goal? I dont know that I would put it that way, but yes.. I would like to get married someday. BUT only if its to someone I absolutely in love with and who makes me happy. I am definately not one of those girls who will freak out at say, 29, and get married just to say I am married. In fact, my own mother didnt get married until she was 39. Something to be said for waiting for the right person to come along. Shes been happily married for 20 something years now.
I also find this question particularly intriguing because I could be married at this point. I had a boyfriend of 2 1/2 years, and I ultimately broke it off. However, he had picked out a ring and planned to propose to me at graudation. It would have been very easy to fall into that, to get engaged at 21, married at 22. However, I knew that as much as we were good together that the time, he was not someone I could spend the rest of the life with. Which is a scary thought in itself. And it was the right choice.
I think a lot of people get caught up in the hype of saying they are married, saying they are engaged, throwing a big wedding. Look at how high the divorce rate is. Society definately doesnt help.
Anyway. Thats enough of my rant on this topic. Good question though.
Tip of the day: Come up with questions. It makes the blog a lot more interesting.
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